Multiple Applications in one JAD
I was trying to deploy multiple applications or multiple COD files OTA with one JAD so that a user doesn't have to download each dependent project or application independently. I finally found the answer buried in a PDF that was linked to from the BlackBerry forum. You have to manually edit the jad file using the generated jad files from the jde and change your RIM-COD-URL and RIM-COD-Size properties to look like this:
RIM-COD-URL-1: mySystemProject.cod
RIM-COD-Size-1: 9972
RIM-COD-URL-2: myApplicationProject.cod
RIM-COD-Size-2: 8108
RIM-COD-URL-1: mySystemProject.cod
RIM-COD-Size-1: 9972
RIM-COD-URL-2: myApplicationProject.cod
RIM-COD-Size-2: 8108
At 12:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for this tip. Do you have the URL to the official RIM PDF that documents how to modify the JAD file to deploy multiple CODs OTA (sorry for all the TLAs)?
I wish I found this site sooner; I had to work through many of the same issues you did, and could've saved some time.
At 8:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
So if you have 2 applications that depend on mySystemProject.cod, how do you package them? When doing it through jad files the last app win! And when I say "win", i mean the first app simply goes away!!! It is a totally different app, it just happened to share one library cod file with the other app. Any tips?
At 9:11 AM,
Kevin Ross said…
Hello anonymous,
You might take a look at another old post for background on the issue:
This information is still relevant.
We took the more difficult but durable path long ago with Metova's maven build plugin. We re-process the dependent jar files with an obfuscator to first change the actual java package names to be unique, then pack all class files into one module (the application module) so that when rapc runs, only one module name results. This makes everything unique, and we can avoid conflicts.
Best of luck to you.
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